The innovative TDP (Triad Differential Pair) family uses a "triad" design ofdifferential signal and ground lines to achieve bandwidths up to 5.0Gbps andbeyond. The shielded, dual row, cable-to-board interface offers high speed andcontrolled impedance. It is comprised of a fully shielded receptacle and plug toprovide maximum EMI/RFI protection. The inline SMT receptacle optimizes PCBrouting and the low 7.67mm (.301") profile makes TDP an excellent choice whereheight considerations are a factor.TDP utilizes a high-cycle-life (5000 cycles min.) Low Force Helix™ (LFH) contactdesign, providing long term performance and reliability. The recessed contactsprotect signal lines from ESD, support mating alignment and provide added contactprotection during operator handling. The TDP family is available in 18, 28 and 48circuits. TDP cable plugs feature jackscrews for mating retention.