If the YES option is selected for the AMP_COMPARE parameter, the mean energy of the time domain input and output traces is output in the TR.ANA_AMP_INPUT and TR.ANA_AMP_OUTPUT trace header literals of the filtered seismic, respectively. The percentage of amplitude attenuation from the input to the output is inserted into the TR.ANA_AMP_DIFF literal. If attenuation is performed (FREQ_REPLACE_INTERP is not selected), the percentage difference between the input and output should always be positive. If data interpolation is performed (FREQ_REPLACE_INTERP is selected), this value can be positive or negative. In either case, large values such as 50 or more indicate areas that are noisy, and areas where signal might have been removed. If the NUM_FILTERED_BANDS parameter is set to YES, the number of frequency bands modified for a trace is output in the TI.ANA_NUM_FILT_BAND trace header literal of the filtered seismic output. This literal can be used to select traces that have been modified by this SFM. Also, large values that are greater than about 25 percent of the total number of bands per trace indicate areas that are noisy, and areas where signal might have been removed.