Van Gogh once said that a compliment can make me live for a week.Although students do not have mature skills, they all have rich imagination and strong desire for expression, and can boldly appeal their feelings to images.Therefore, in the process of counseling, we should be good at discovering the progress and advantages of students, and affirm and encourage those students who seriously participate and boldly express their true feelings.Especially those students who have difficulties in study often dare not write because they are afraid of poor painting.We should give more care and help to these students and encourage them to pick up their pens.Encouragement can strengthen their confidence more than criticism.In the process of homework, even if there is a little progress, they should be praised and affirmed in time to make them interested in art learning.Interest is the best teacher, and the generation of interest adds impetus to students' learning.With the encouragement and affirmation of teachers, students' self-esteem and self-confidence have been strengthened.In the praise of teachers, students experience the happiness of success, which will have a far-reaching impact on students' future study and work.