During the vulcanization process, zinc oxide can react with sulfur catalysts, stearic acid, molecular chains, rubber, and the corresponding intermediate products, which indicates that zinc oxide has a complex activation promotion effect. However, many test results show that zinc oxide is the most vulcanized catalyst with a significant influence on the formation speed, type and number of cross-bonds during the vulcanization process, which increases the level of Crosslinking of vulcanizationSince zinc oxide is highly correlated with electrons and the ability to absorb high-speed accelerators under the action of stearic acid, dissolved zinc salts in rubber compounds are produced, which increases the capacity. To dissolve and become a type Zinc complexes make the accelerator work more. Sulfur is added to the complex to create strong vulcanizers through activation. During this process, the surface of zinc oxide particles will continuously react, the size of the particles will continually decrease and zinc oxide will be used until the compound is fully melted. The original size of the 5 parts is based on the specific zinc oxide particle size to increase the activation of the vulcanization. When the zinc oxide particle size changes, the surface area and its unique structure determines the disulfide activation.