鸟儿用他们甜美的歌声欢迎这些可爱的孩子的到来。孩子们的笑声和鸟儿的叫声混在一起仿佛是一首美妙的乐曲。巨人被这副景象惊呆了 。他惊讶地看着自己的英语翻译


鸟儿用他们甜美的歌声欢迎这些可爱的孩子的到来。孩子们的笑声和鸟儿的叫声混在一起仿佛是一首美妙的乐曲。巨人被这副景象惊呆了 。他惊讶地看着自己的花园里的树变得春意盎然 ,不自觉开心起来。冬天终于过去了 !他说。但是他发现,在花园最远的角落里,仍然是白色的冰雪世界。为什么会这样?巨人仔细分析了这件事情。突然,他想到了正是由于自私的自己不让孩子们进入他的花园之后才一直被冬天环绕。于是他走出去。孩子们吓得准备逃走。“听着,小天使们,是你们到来让花园有了生机,我现在乃至以后都欢迎你们来我的花园里玩耍。”
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结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
The birds welcome the arrival of these lovely children with their sweet singing. The laughter of the children and the chirping of the birds mixed together as if it were a beautiful piece of music. The giant was stunned by this sight. He was surprised to watch the trees in his garden become springy, unconsciously happy. Winter has finally passed! He said. But he found that in the farthest corner of the garden, there was still a white world of ice and snow. Why is this happening? The giant analyzed this matter carefully. Suddenly, it occurred to him that it was because of his selfish self that he had been surrounded by winter after not letting the children into his garden. So he went out. The children were so scared that they prepared to escape. "Listen, little angels, it was your arrival that gave the garden alive. I welcome you to play in my garden now and in the future."
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
The birds welcomed the lovely children with their sweet songs. The children's laughter mixed with the birds' calls as if it were a wonderful piece of music. The giant was stunned by the sight. He watched in amazement as the trees in his garden became springy and unconsciously happy. Winter is finally over! He said. But he found that in the far corner of the garden, there was still a white world of ice and snow. Why is this happening? The giant analyzed the matter carefully. Suddenly, he thought that it was selfishly self-interested that kept the children out of his garden that he had been surrounded by winter. So he went out. The children were so frightened that they were ready to run away. "Listen, little angels, it is your arrival that brings the garden to life, and I welcome you to play in my garden now and beyond. " ...
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
The birds welcome these lovely children with their sweet songs. The children's laughter mixed with the bird's call as if it were a wonderful piece of music. The giant was stunned by the sight. He was surprised to see the trees in his garden become full of spring, and unconsciously happy. Winter is over at last! He said. But he found that in the farthest corner of the garden, there was still a world of white ice and snow. Why is that? The giant analyzed the matter carefully. All of a sudden, after the selfishness of his children surrounded him in the garden. So he went out. The children were scared to run away. "Listen, little angels, it's you who bring life to the garden. I welcome you to play in my garden now and in the future."
本翻译工具支持: 世界语, 丹麦语, 乌克兰语, 乌兹别克语, 乌尔都语, 亚美尼亚语, 伊博语, 俄语, 保加利亚语, 信德语, 修纳语, 僧伽罗语, 克林贡语, 克罗地亚语, 冰岛语, 加利西亚语, 加泰罗尼亚语, 匈牙利语, 南非祖鲁语, 南非科萨语, 卡纳达语, 卢旺达语, 卢森堡语, 印地语, 印尼巽他语, 印尼爪哇语, 印尼语, 古吉拉特语, 吉尔吉斯语, 哈萨克语, 土库曼语, 土耳其语, 塔吉克语, 塞尔维亚语, 塞索托语, 夏威夷语, 奥利亚语, 威尔士语, 孟加拉语, 宿务语, 尼泊尔语, 巴斯克语, 布尔语(南非荷兰语), 希伯来语, 希腊语, 库尔德语, 弗里西语, 德语, 意大利语, 意第绪语, 拉丁语, 拉脱维亚语, 挪威语, 捷克语, 斯洛伐克语, 斯洛文尼亚语, 斯瓦希里语, 旁遮普语, 日语, 普什图语, 格鲁吉亚语, 毛利语, 法语, 波兰语, 波斯尼亚语, 波斯语, 泰卢固语, 泰米尔语, 泰语, 海地克里奥尔语, 爱尔兰语, 爱沙尼亚语, 瑞典语, 白俄罗斯语, 科西嘉语, 立陶宛语, 简体中文, 索马里语, 繁体中文, 约鲁巴语, 维吾尔语, 缅甸语, 罗马尼亚语, 老挝语, 自动识别, 芬兰语, 苏格兰盖尔语, 苗语, 英语, 荷兰语, 菲律宾语, 萨摩亚语, 葡萄牙语, 蒙古语, 西班牙语, 豪萨语, 越南语, 阿塞拜疆语, 阿姆哈拉语, 阿尔巴尼亚语, 阿拉伯语, 鞑靼语, 韩语, 马其顿语, 马尔加什语, 马拉地语, 马拉雅拉姆语, 马来语, 马耳他语, 高棉语, 齐切瓦语, 等语言的翻译.

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