Shape.A large and rather elongate species.Color.Pattern variable, and described by Kirkaldy underfivevarieties, but all intergradations occur.Some specimens are nearlyimmaculate; gray to light tan, but with the caudal half of pronotumdarkened by black mesonotum beneath; scutellum black and astreak behind hemelytral suture infuscated; golden hairs present,especially on the corium.Other specimens are strikingly marked,the hemelytra being gray, tan and black with manyindividualsshowing some roseate reflections, this last especially marked onfreshly captured specimens. While many specimens are marked likethe typical A^.glauca L., the following may be given as the typicalcolor pattern:Head and anterior half of pronotum grayish totestaceous, often marked with green. Limbs testaceous, often greenish,with dark coxae; hind femora longitudinally streaked beneath.Venter dark except connexivum whichismore or less testaceous,often greenish.Poster