application. They studied the effect of relative area distribution, desorber pressure andmassflowrateofweaksolutiononCOP,absorberheatloadandcoolingcapacity. Kangetal.[49]maturedfourdifferentinnovativehybridGAXcycleswithhelpof ammonia water through combination of vapour absorption and vapour compression cycles.Fourdifferentcyclesareasfollows:TypeAwasproposedfortheimprovement of coefficient of performance, Type B for low-temperature purposes, Type C for depletion of required desorption temperature and Type D for hot water applications. InTypeAandTypeB,acompressorisplacedamongtheevaporatorandtheabsorber as shown in Fig. 11, while in Type C and Type D compressor is positioned between thedesorberandthecondenser.TheCOPofTypeAwasobservedtobe24%greater than the standard GAX cycle. In Type B, temperature of−80 °C could be achieved in the evaporator. The COP of HGAX–Type C increases as high as 1.19, which is