Practical operation is a learning activity in which multiple senses participate in coordination. It allows students to use their hands, eyes, mouths, and brains in the process of learning, and then explore and reflect on these activities, allowing operation, observation, speech, Organic combination of thinking, judgment, analysis, etc.
Praktische Operation ist eine Lernaktivität, bei der mehrere Sinne an der Koordination teilnehmen. Es ermöglicht den Schülern, ihre Hände, Augen, Münder und Gehirne beim Lernen zu verwenden und diese Aktivitäten dann zu erkunden und zu reflektieren, was Operation, Beobachtung, Sprache, organische Kombination von Denken, Urteilsvermögen, Analyse usw. ermöglicht.
Practical operation is a learning activity in which multiple senses participate in coordination. It allows students to use their hands, eyes, mouths, and brains in the process of learning, and then explore and reflect on these activities, allowing operation, observation, speech, Organic combination of thinking, judgment, analysis, etc.