Research on MBO is hindered because each company has a slightly different MBO program Consequently, the best evidence supporting the value of MBO comes from research concerning goal setting, performance feedback, participation, delegation, budgeting, and reinforcement, which are the major processes that combine to form an MBO program. Extensive research has been conducted on these processes, and from this research, some conclusions can be drawn about the value of MBO. many studies have demonstrated the value of goal setting and have shown that setting specific objectives can greatly increase performance and change behavior. b. Performance feedback is an important component of learning, and studies have indicated that specific performance feedback greatly facilitates learning new behavior and changing old behavior. The effects of participation depend on the norms and cohesiveness of the group. If the group is a cohesive one, and if it supports the goals of the organization, then greater participation tends to increase the performance and morale of the group. 16-4 Delegating authority for specific tasks and having managers develop their own budgets and live within them are motivating experiences if they are properly handled. The evidence shows that if the budgets are realistic and if managers are rewarded for achieving them the usual result is high levels of satisfaction and performance. Although this evidence does not conclusively prove that all MBO programs will be successful, it at least suggests that they should succeed if they are properly adapted to specific situations.