2.3.1 The Definition of Reading Strategies Johnson& Johnson (1988:333) pointed out that "Reading strategies is the process that the learners use to solve the difficulties in reading". It not only contains some reading skills such as reasoning, predict the contents of the article, guess the meaning of the word according to the context, skimming, and scanning, but also includes the selective and restraining actions the learners take to achieve the desired purpose of reading. It is an important area of research on learning strategies. In addition, according to Li Hong's summary, we can see that the definition of reading strategies mainly covers four aspects: first, the reading strategy is an overall measure and countermeasure by readers during the reading process. Second, it has a very strong flexibility and adaptability. Third, it will change according to the changes of the specific reading tasks. Fourth, it made the specific reading learning theory specific (Quoted from Li Hong, 2011).