Who is This Book ForThis book is intended for people wishing to understand and begin to customizethe OFBiz framework. A basic level of Java is required and some understandingof Object Oriented Design (OOD) concepts would be beneficial. A basic grasp ofSimple Query Language (SQL), although not strictly necessary, is certainly helpful toquickly understand some of the concepts in OFBiz.Some fundamental skill with XML syntax is required, but only as far as is required tocreate well-formed XML documents.The book will offer more hand-holding to MS Windows users. Users of otherOperating Systems, such as Linux, should naturally be more adept at grasping theconcepts laid out using Windows-specific examples and translating those examplesinto their respective OS's dialects.ConventionsIn this book, you will find a number of styles of text that distinguish betweendifferent kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles, and anexplanation of their meaning.Code words in text are shown as follows: " The element includes aform named FirstForm residing in a file LearningForms.xml."A block of code will be set as follows: