Wenxian: This tool has significant gate wear and valve pin damage. Other tools are running without this problem. The information we need from you is why is this happening? We need measurements and visual checks for everything and anything with special attention on any factor that could cause the gate and pin damage.So the cavities are offset by 0.63. Do you believe that? I don’t believe that. Carsten doesn’t believe that. I am very very sure the Mold Maker does not believe that. So where is the mistake?How did you find the center location on the plate? Is that accurate??Are the cavities mounted on the plate properly? Are they reversed or mounted wrong? Does the nozzle cutout in the plate align with the nozzle cutout in the cavity?We must find out what is wrong here. Where is the error? You are the one looking at the tool. We need your opinion about what is wrong. We need you to think about it and look for an explanation about what is really going on.