The body of your paper uses a half-inch first line indent and is double-spaced. APA style provides for up to five heading levels, shown in the paragraphs that follow. Note that the word Introduction should not be used as an initial heading, as it’s assumed that your paper begins with an introduction.Feeling the time went quickly in this term. I learned a lot of knowledges and felt very enrich. I saw a funny joke yesterday. I felt it is interesting. Now I want to share this joke to you, hope it could bring happy for you. This joke is about a tortoise and a toad. One day, the tortoise was bathing in the river and was seen by the toad. Tortoise said: haven’t you seen a beauty like me? Look, your eyes are about to pop out. Toad said: sister, don’t you tease me. Don’t you see that I have goose bumps?Highlights areas where your writing style might be improved, such as use of passive and hidden verbs.