A sampling pot (Z 310) is provided, connected to the bottom of 2-F 310. When required, perform the sampling according to the following procedure: 1) Place the metallic, grounded catch pan under the sample accumulator 2) With HV 3107 and HV 3105 closed, purge the lines and the sample accumulator itself to the flare by hooking up a nitrogen hose and pressurizing the sample accumulator; open the manual valve close to HV 3107, after opening the manual block valve downstream HV 3107, and the manual block valve on top of Z 310. Then, depressurize the accumulator to the flare (note the increase and decrease on the pressure gauge) 3) Repeat step 2) twice, using the manual block valve downstream of the FO 4) Close the block valve downstream of HV 3107 and verify that the accumulator is empty by opening HV 3105. 5) Close HV 3105 (note that the remote operated valves at the sampling point shall close automatically when the operator releases the push button 6) Repeat step 2) twice more to purge air from Z 310, then close the manual block valve to the flare 7) Open HV 3107 and the manual block valve downstream 8) Close HV 3107 and then slowly open the manual valve to the flare to depressurize the accumulator; close valve to flare after depressurizing 9) Pressurize Z 310 with nitrogen from the top line, as per point 2). Then block in the nitrogen. 10) Open manual valve to the flare and depressurize Z 310, then close again 11) Close the manual valve downstream 2HV 3107 12) Repeat steps 9), 10) and 11) at least four times using the bottom line through the FO 13) Open HV 3105 and catch the sample in the grounded catch pan 14) Disconnect the nitrogen hose