Considering that a long-span steel truss girder bridge has a complexstructure and is large, once the entire bridge is diving into a mesh withuniform unit size, it will considerably reduce computational efficiencyand calculation cannot be performed because of insufficient computermemory. Therefore, the mesh considered in this study consists of acombination of sparse and dense units. For the important analysis area,plate element simulation is adopted and divided according to the size ofthe dense units. For the area within the range of the train that is notconsidered for the analysis, plate element simulation is used and divided according to the size of the sparse units. The rest of the model isbuilt using a beam element. The cables of the cable-stayed bridge aresimulated as a rod unit and sand the pylon as a beam unit. The elementsof the components in the FE model are listed in Table 1. The FE model isshown in Fig. 7. T