Realism that fixed cash and variable cash in the total cash ratio and structural design can best reflect the artistry of Corporate Compensation Management. In general, the ratio of fixed to variable cash is related to the nature of the position and the internal hierarchy of the position. For example, sales personnel's performance is mainly reflected in the performance they have achieved, so the variable cash component linked to their performance is higher. In addition, since senior managers are directly related to the direction and speed of enterprise development, these employees should also be directly responsible for the overall development of the company, therefore, the main assessment indicators for senior managers to improve the overall performance of the company and the overall management level, this part of the total cash ratio of employees will be greater than ordinary employees.
Realism that fixed cash and variable cash in the total cash ratio and structural design can best reflect the artistry of Corporate Compensation Management. In general, the ratio of fixed to variable cash is related to the nature of the position and the internal hierarchy of the position. For example, sales personnel's performance is mainly reflected in the performance they have achieved, so the variable cash component linked to their performance is higher. In addition, since senior managers are directly related to the direction and speed of enterprise development, these employees should also be directly responsible for the overall development of the company, therefore, the main assessment indicators for senior managers to improve the overall performance of the company and the overall management level, this part of the total cash ratio of employees will be greater than ordinary employees.<br>