9 TECHNICAL INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIEDThe following technical information shall be submitted with the offer:• Preliminary data sheets of all proposed cable types including:o Standard Drum Lengtho Maximum and minimum manufacturing drum lengths and weights of individual drums for each size and type of cableo Number and size of conductors making up the cross-sectional area of each coreo Insulation thicknesso Inner sheath diameter with maximum tolerance o Oversheath diameter with maximum tolerance o Minimum installation temperatureo Minimum bending radius at minimum installation temperatureo Weight per unit lengtho Current carrying capacity with specified ambient and installation conditionso Rated conductor temperatureo Maximum conductor temperatureo Resistance per unit lengtho Reactance per unit lengtho Capacitance per unit lengtho Short-circuit withstand capacity• Type test list for all proposed cable types• Preliminary test plan• Accessories data sheets• Installation and use constraints• Maintenance program• List of recommended spare parts.The following documents for all the equipment / components of the supply shall be provided along with the supply:• Final data sheets of all proposed cable types, including as minimum:o Standard Drum Lengtho Maximum and minimum manufacturing drum lengths and weights of individual drums for each size and type of cableo Number and size of conductors making up the cross-sectional area of each coreo Insulation thicknesso Inner sheath diameter with maximum tolerance o Oversheath diameter with maximum tolerance o Armour thicknesso Minimum installation temperatureo Minimum bending radius at minimum installation temperatureo Weight per unit lengtho Current carrying capacity with specified ambient and installation conditionso Rated conductor temperatureo Maximum conductor temperatureo Resistance per unit length