• Describe the differences between the part model rule creation workflow and the elementsthat can be controlled using an assembly iLogic rule.• Describe the importance and how to stabilize component names used in iLogic rules.• Incorporate a Component function in an iLogic rule so that it either controls a component'ssuppression state or visibility or reads it to control the condition of an iLogic rule.• Incorporate a Component function in an iLogic rule so that it controls component additionand deletion from the model.• Incorporate a Component function in an iLogic rule so that it controls a component's color.• Incorporate a Component function in an iLogic rule so that it drives the replacement ofassembly components with another component, an iPart, or a Level of Detail representation.• Incorporate a Relationship function in an iLogic rule so that it either controls a component'sconstraint or joint suppression state or reads its state to control the condition of an iLogicrule.• Incorporate a Relationship function in an iLogic rule so that it either controls an iMatesuppression state or reads its state to control the condition of an iLogic rule.• Incorporate a Relationship function in an iLogic rule so that it creates constraints betweencomponents.• Create and place iLogic components in an assembly file.• Modify iLogic component rules in subassemblies to ensure correct naming conventions are