Informed consent is the process by whichpotential participants can decide if it is worthtaking part in a study despite any risks andcosts. Respect for consent sets standards ofrespect for the whole relationship between theresearchers and participants. The defaultposition is that you should provide participantswith full information about the research. Insome cases, you may consider that yourresearch design necessitates covert, deceptiveor misleading research, but you need to thinkvery carefully about whether an exception isjustified. The reviewers will be looking forreassurance that the level of consent isappropriate to the nature of the research. It isnot sufficient simply to say that they canprovide informed consent – you should givethe grounds for this assessment. Sampledocuments are provided on the website, but researchers can develop their own materialsspecifically for their study. Reviewers will belooking for what is appropriate to the studycontext