The emergence of building information modeling (BIM) at thestart of the millennium has gradually replaced the function ofcomputer-aided design (CAD) in documenting building designs inpaper-based forms with the more collaborative approach of sharingbuilding design information with various project stakeholders incomputer processable forms. At the same time, computable representationsof the regulatory knowledge have also gained a greatdeal of focus in research projects. Every aspect of a building designis bound by compliance with statutory requirements one way oranother. Therefore, it is appropriate to consider a building designprocess as the compliant process. There is certainly a need for computersto be able to process regulatory information for a complianceaudit. However, the compliant design process is currently stilllargely a manual undertaking, which is known to be error prone andinefficient and often leads to duplication of effort as well as costlyremedial work. One reason for this is that there has not yet been apractical solution to automatically process regulatory information,