19.1 Are effective documented controls in place to prevent the inadvertent shipment of non-conforming products and ingredients to Campbell or to the trade?19.2 Does the SBP have documented procedures to, withhold from the chain of distribution, products suspected of non-conformance or which are awaiting test results?19.3 Are hold pallets or modules identified and controlled (either physically or electronically)?19.4 Are root cause investigations conducted for non-conforming products and materials and corrective actions documented and implemented to prevent like situations from recurring?19.5 Are dispositions determined, completed, and documented in a timely manner?19.6 Are products designated for destruction handled in a way to assure proper defacement and disposal so that it cannot possibly enter the stream of commerce or consumption?19.7 Is an actual physical count of withheld and non-conforming products and materials conducted at minimum annually with root cause of discrepancies investigated and corrective actions implemented?