Improve operational effectiveness and efficiency. This is the operating goal of internal control. To improve management efficiency and profitability of operating activities requires companies to combine their internal and external envInventory refers to the materials reserved for sale or consumption during the production and operation of the enterprise, including finished products, products in process, semi-finished products, raw materials, commodities, low-value consumables, etc. In order to ensure the continuous progress of production and business processes, companies must continue to buy, consume or sell inventories. For most companies, the inventory is relatively large, and the proportion of current assets is usually the highest.Therefore, inventory is the company's most important current asset. Inventory accounting is an important part of company accounting. In inventory accounting, inventory purchase costs should be calculated correctly to encourage companies to work hard to reduce inventory costs. Reflect and supervise the receipt, delivery, withdrawal and storage of inventory; reflect and supervise the occupation of inventory funds and promote the use of funds provided by enterprises.ironments to carry out effective control.