Big data technology refers to extracting valuable Laws hidden behind the data through algorithms from a large number of incomplete, noisy, fuzzy and random industrial production data [3]. The application of big data technology in the wind power industry includes: collecting and summarizing the massive operation data in a certain area or in a certain type of wind turbine, summarizing the significant statistical factors behind the data through big data mining and analysis technology, and using these statistical factors to further judge the possible fault types of wind turbine and the maximum probability of fault occurrence, Establish the fault model of wind turbine in relevant areas or types, and formulate the treatment strategy in advance according to the fault model [3]. There are many technical means of big data mining and analysis. The more common means of building big data model are based on least square method or multiple regression model, and then carry out regression analysis to obtain the main factors affecting variables. These factors can be widely used in wind turbine condition detection and fault diagnosis.