where As and An denote the signal amplitude and the noise amplitude (expressed in the same units), respectively. When the SNR is low, the signal of interest can become indistinguishable. Thus, appropriate data acquisition strategies must be adopted to minimize the level of noise that inevitably affects measurements (Chap. 3).Complex signals may be decomposed into elemental signals. Examples of elemental signals are the impulse and the sinusoid. When the signal is decomposed into scaled and shifted impulses, a time domain analysis takes place; if, instead, the signal is decomposed into scaled sinusoids of different frequency, analysis is carried out in the frequency domain. It is always possible to convert a signal from one domain to the other, so the final choice is usually dictated by considerations about computational efficiency, ease of data interpretation, and noise reduction techniques.The dynamic behavior of physical systems is often described by defining an ideal constant-parameter linear system (also known as linear time-invariant— LTI—system, Fig. 1.1). A system is characterized by constant parameters if all its fundamental properties are invariant with respect to time. Moreover, it shows a linear mapping between input and output if the response characteristics are additive and homogeneous. As a result, the response of the system to a linear combination of given inputs equals the same linear combination of the system responses to the individual, separately analyzed inputs. The constant-parameter assumption is reasonably valid for several physical systems encountered in the practice. However, its validity depends on the extension of the considered time interval.
where As and An denote the signal amplitude and the noise amplitude (expressed in the same units), respectively. When the SNR is low, the signal of interest can become indistinguishable. Thus, appropriate data acquisition strategies must be adopted to minimize the level of noise that inevitably affects measurements (Chap. 3).<br>Complex signals may be decomposed into elemental signals. Examples of elemental signals are the impulse and the sinusoid. When the signal is decomposed into scaled and shifted impulses, a time domain analysis takes place; if, instead, the signal is decomposed into scaled sinusoids of different frequency, analysis is carried out in the frequency domain. It is always possible to convert a signal from one domain to the other, so the final choice is usually dictated by considerations about computational efficiency, ease of data interpretation, and noise reduction techniques.<br>The dynamic behavior of physical systems is often described by defining an ideal constant-parameter linear system (also known as linear time-invariant— LTI—system, Fig. 1.1). A system is characterized by constant parameters if all its fundamental properties are invariant with respect to time. Moreover, it shows a linear mapping between input and output if the response characteristics are additive and homogeneous. As a result, the response of the system to a linear combination of given inputs equals the same linear combination of the system responses to the individual, separately analyzed inputs. The constant-parameter assumption is reasonably valid for several physical systems encountered in the practice. However, its validity depends on the extension of the considered time interval.