When an O&M subject incurs an abnormal situation, the possible root causes of the abnormalsituation can be deduced by the BFS-based causal search algorithm. Figure 6 is an example MSA;there is a time-out exception at microservice 3, which is the source vertex in the algorithm, and thereare four possible causal paths:• Path 1: CPU usage of container 3 → Response time of microservice 3• Path 2: Memory usage of container 3 → Response time of microservice 3• Path 3: CPU usage of container 1→ Response time of micro-service 1 → Response time ofmicroservice 3• Path 4: Memory usage of container 1 → Response time of microservice1 → Response time ofmicroservice 3According to the analysis results, the time-out problem of microservice 3 might have been causedby either the high CPU or memory usage of container 3 or the high CPU or memory usage of container1. O&M personnel can further determine the root cause of the exception by auditing the logs ofcontainer 3 and container 1.