In this paper, the analysis of an existing calcium chloride evaporation unit wasperformed to cut primary energy use and emissions. This paper proposes the use ofseveral approaches for retrofit of calcium chloride production. The energy efficiency ofthe existing process was researched to identify drawbacks and bottlenecks andprovide the pathways for process modification. The methodology is based on asystematic analysis and step-by-step reduction of energy use. It uses a Pinchapproach, process unit simulation and vapour recompression considering existingprocess constraints, e.g. product quality, process capacity etc. Two retrofit options ofheat exchanger network were proposed with the simulation and design of newequipment. Energy recovery was increased by identification of vapour recompressionpotential and its appropriate application together with retrofitted exchanger network. Allprocess changes were simulated by commercial software to prove the robustness ofproposed energy-saving measures. The case study analyses a chemical plant thatexploits the Solvay process and distilled liquid of ammonia production as a feedstock.In the result of retrofit, the energy cost was cut by about 400,000 USD/y and emissionsreduction by 18,818 tCO2/y. Steam consumption was reduced by 51% and coolingwater decreased by 69%. The economic efficiency of proposed energy-savingmeasures demonstrates the payback period up to 1.5 years. The roadmap of the step-by-step application of process changes was proposed.