Switching power supply is a kind of power supply that uses modern electronic power technology to control the time ratio of power switch (MOSFET; transistor) on and off to maintain a stable output voltage. Switching power supplies are widely used in industrial automation control, power equipment, communication equipment, digital products and household appliances. The advantages of the switching power supply are mainly reflected in the relatively small power consumption, large power, relatively small size, wide voltage range and so on. <br>The main purpose of the design is to achieve a switching power supply used in daily life, such as TVs, computers, refrigerators and other commonly used electronic products require power. Today is the digital age, and it is very convenient to implement electronic products with a single chip microcomputer, so this design uses a single chip microcomputer. In this design, the difference between switching power supply and linear power supply is described in detail. Program demonstration, overall design, the expected output voltage value is preset by the keyboard, the output voltage is sampled by the analog-to-digital converter, and the output is performed by the corresponding pulse width software Control, pulse width modulation on the switching power supply to output the desired voltage. The PID algorithm is used to control the output voltage to be stable, and a 5V constant voltage output can be obtained. And attached with related circuit diagram.