Switching power supply is a kind of power electronic device which is widely used. The common ones in our life, such as electric car charger and adapter of various household appliances, are what we call "big head" for mobile phones, and the uncommon ones are large-scale applications in aerospace, military and other fields. Its high energy conversion efficiency, small size, light weight, in the small power range of switching power supply has become the mainstream technology, and quickly to the middle and high power range of research and application. So how to study this kind of power supply to increase its power has become an important research direction. This paper will first introduce the principle of the power supply, divided into each module to analyze the principle of the power supply, and then carry out system simulation to verify the correctness of the principle, and finally get the voltage stabilizing effect. This system is mainly realized by hardware, through the calculation method given below to determine some important components such as high-frequency transformer parameters, and finally get an ideal switching power supply.<br>