2. Image Processing LaboratoryMATLAB is a matrix oriented computing engine. Thus, it is almost perfect for image processing because images can be thought of as matrices. A definition for an image can then be the following: An image is a NxN array of elements. Each element in the array is a number which represents the sampled intensity. The samples are named pixels (picture element). After sampling each pixel is quantized. Each intensity is assigned a number within a finite set of values, usually between 0 and K- 1, where K=2B is the possible number of gray levels, each represented by B bits. The digitizing of images is now complete and each image is now an array which can be handled more appropriately as a matrix. Our Image processing laboratory based on MATLAB has the capability to perform the following tasks:1.Perform algebraic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These operations can be used to perform operations on images such as noise reduction by using averages, movement detection, and algebraic masking. 2.Geometric transformations such as translation, rotation, and scaling. 3.Space domain operations such as histogram modification (scaling, offset, amplitude change) non linear point operations (absolute value, squaring, square root, log scale compression, edge detection).4. Binary image processing (thresholding, logic operations).5. Non linear image processing such as morphologic operators (opening, closing). Structuring element choice. Dilation, erosion. 6.Frequency domain processing. Fourier transform, log compression.7.Filtering by linear convolution. Filter design (low pass, high pass, band pass, band reject.). Gaussian Filters. Linear restoration. White noise non linear filtering.8.Digital Image coding and compression. Compression measures, losses compression, entropy, optimal coding.