NJECTOR KLEENWHAT?Injector Kleen is methyl hydrate free so it will not harm fiiel injectors. It keeps fuel injectors free of gummy deposits and it also removes stubborn, carbonaceous deposits on intake valves.. Injector Kleen prevents rust and corrosion from building up in the fuel system.Injector Kleen is ideal for use in cars that run on regular or unleaded gas orgasohol and it will not harm catalytic converters. It is also perfect for use intoday's high performance turbo-charged cars.WHY?As newer cars are equipped with port fuel injection systems, the problem of injector plugging has become serious. This is due to poor quality gasoline with insufficient or no levels of detergent additives which cause deposits on injector pintles. These restrictions affect fuel flow. Deposits build up faster if the automobile is driven for many short stop and go trips rather than for longer periods of sustained highway driving.WHEN?Use when poor engine performance becomes noticeable in such things as poor driveablility, a decrease in engine power, hard starting, rough idling, uneven acceleration, stalling, increased emissions and loss of fuel economy. Injector Kleen eliminates these problems.HOW?Injector Kleen cleans and protects crucial intake valves and pintles in electronic port fuel injectors. One 350 ml bottle treats to 60litres of gasoline....2