k. Bowline on a Coil. This knot (Figure 5-15) secures a climber to the end of a climbing rope. Make at least four parallel wraps around the body, between the hipbone and lower set of ribs. Keep all coils free of clothing, touch and are tight enough to ensure that a fist cannot be inserted between the wraps and the body. Three distinct coils show through the bight of the bowline. The rope coming off the bottom of the coils is on the right side, forward of the hip and forms the bight and the overhand knot. The rope coming off the top of the coils is on the left side, forward of the hips and forms the third and final coil showing through the bight of the bowline. Bowline is centered on the gig line and secured with an overhand knot with a minimum of 4 inch tail remaining after the knot is dressed.