I want to vary my product to amend a restraint, contraindication, precaution or side effect statement (vet products only)I want to vary my product to alter the shelf life/expiry date, in-use shelf life and/or storage conditionsI want to vary a re-entry or handling instruction for my productI want to vary a withholding period and/or export intervalI want to vary my product to add a new crop, animal species or situationI want to vary the sites of manufactureI want to vary a product pack sizeI want to vary the use of a product to include a new use, new application method, or new use instructions within an existing crop or situation (agricultural chemical products only)I want to vary my product to make a change to the product formulationI want to vary my product to include a new dose rate, frequency, route of administration or application method (vet products only)I want to vary my product to update the spray drift information on my product label or have a new drift reduction technology assessed (agricultural chemical products only)