Pisces signSaturn will move into your hidden twelfth house on December 17. This will force you to confront your fears and insecurities in a way you have possibly never done before. Naming your fears is the first step towards eradicating them and Saturn will certainly help you do that. However, once you see something, you can't unsee it. It'll be your job to address whatever it is that has been holding you back once and for all. It won't be easy, but it will definitely be worth it. You might also find that a certain lifelong goal you always thought meant the world to you suddenly means nothing. Let it go.Expansive Jupiter will also bless your 12th house starting on December 19. This will provide extraordinary divine protection and an opportunity for psychic and spiritual development. Additionally, career opportunities are likely thanks to a Solar Eclipse at the top of your chart on December 14. Seize the moment!A Full Moon in your true love sector on December 29 could bring an end to a romance that you thought would fulfill you emotionally. Turns out, it doesn't.Key themes for Pisces: psychic abilities, spirituality, fears, abandoned goals, professional gain, new career, heartache, breaking up