The main purpose of MIMO technology is to provide local multiplexing and spatial diversity amplification of the system. Spatial multiplexing technology can significantly increase channel capacity, while local diversity can improve channel reliability and reduce channel error rate. Generally, a multipath causes fading and is considered a detrimental factor. However, for MIMO, multipath can be used as a favorable factor. The key to MIMO technology is the ability to change the factors that contribute to multipath fading in traditional communication systems. A couple of enhancements that are useful for user communication performance, MIMO technology effectively uses random fading and possible multipath propagation to multiply the service transfer rate, so it can enable wireless data transmission without increasing the bandwidth of the occupied signal. The performance is improved by several orders of magnitude.In general, multipath causes fading, which is detrimental to communication, but MIMO technology has become a multipath benefit. A MIMO system uses multiple antennas (or array antennas) and multiple channels to simultaneously transmit and receive data at both the transmitting and receiving ends.