This is no ordinary New Moon that the universe has cooking in your sign, Scorpio. On Sunday, Oct. 27, Uranus opposes a New Moon in Scorpio, in your house of relationships, which could suddenly change the trajectory of a close connection. This trend could also invite a new one in or have someone from your past suddenly materializing. Mars in Libra is also squaring Saturn that same day, so anything unresolved in your relationship past could re-surface. Trust issues may abound and fears linked with loss and abandonment may very well loom. The chances are it will be a mild setback that you have to talk through and work out. Loving Venus is in your sign as well as Mercury but he is slowing down to turn retrograde on Thursday, Oct. 31. The day before, Mercury and Venus will re-merge and gift you with a good feeling or a validating confirmation that you are right where you need to be on this journey, even if you feel you are knee-deep in something you are not quite sure how to get out of.Trust that you will (because you will), and be ready for anything!