When a short circuit fault occurs in a line, one of the important characteristics is that the current of the line increases rapidly. When the current flows through a predetermined value, the protection device that acts in response to the current rise is called overcurrent protection. Three section current protection has all the functions of main protection and backup protection, and is widely used in practice. Instantaneous current quick break protection and time limit current quick break protection are used together As a result, the protection device can not only protect the whole length of the line, but also meet the requirements of fast action as much as possible. However, this kind of time limit quick break protection can only make up for the shortcomings of the main protection, but can not meet the requirements of the backup protection because its protection range can not reach the end of the next line. Therefore, in order to play a backup protection role for this line and the next line, a group of over-current protection must also be installed, so as to form a whole protection device which is composed of instantaneous current quick break time limit current quick break and time limit over-current protection, which is commonly referred to as three-stage current protection.<br>