The starting point of Hongmeng OS is different from Android and IOS. It is a brand-new distributed operating system based on micro kernel for the whole scene, which can meet the requirements of smooth experience of the whole scene, architecture level trusted security, seamless collaboration across terminals and one-time development of multi terminal deployment. Hongmeng is born in the future. In terms of security, Yu Chengdong said that unlike Android, Hongmeng OS is naturally rootless. Yu Chengdong said that once the Android root permission is obtained, it is like mastering the key to the door, and the whole system will be broken. According to Yu Chengdong, Hongmeng OS is a full scene distributed OS based on micro kernel. This is the first time that the distributed architecture is used in terminal OS, which can realize seamless collaborative experience across terminals. As for the ark compiler, Yu Chengdong mentioned that it will support multi language unified compilation and greatly improve the development efficiency.<br>