The main coal mining layer in this mine field is 8 coal seams, with stable occurrence of coal seams, thickness of 0 ~ 12.07 m, average 3.05m, and relatively simple structure. The dip angle of coal seam has little change, and the dip angle changes from 2 to 12, with an average of 6, which is a nearly horizontal coal seam. The maximum strike length of the mine field is 8. 93km, the minimum value is 4. 67km, the average length is 7. 6km, the maximum tilt length is 5. 45km, the minimum value is 1. 54km, the average tilt length is 5. 23km, and the horizontal width is 5. 1km. Considering the rationality of technology and economy, according to the relevant provisions of the mining field conditions and design specifications, thisMinefield can be divided into 1 ~ 2 levels (i.e. 2 ~ 4 stages), in which zone type preparation is adopted.