However, if the ADJACENT_BANDS option of the FREQ_BAND_TAPER parameter is chosen, the two sample cosine-squared taper is applied entirely within the neighboring frequency bands. This means that the taper begins at the second-nearest sample of each adjacent frequency band. The entire anomalous band is attenuated according to the specified ATTEN_FACTOR parameter. In the example above, the taper would be applied to frequencies 6, 7 , 12 and 13. The ADJACENT_BANDS option is consistent with the type of tapering that was applied in the SWELL_NOISE_ATTEN SFM, and should be used when results similar to SWELL_NOISE_ATTEN are desired. If a specified percentage of processed frequency bands for a trace are anomalous, the entire trace is zeroed. The FREQ_BANDS_ERR_PCT parameter specifies the percentage of frequency bands that must be in error for the trace to be zeroed. This parameter is useful when the frequency range to process is large (say, 0 to 60 Hz), because a large number of noisy frequency bands indicates the entire trace is too noisy to save. However, when the frequency range is small (say, 0 to 20 Hz), the NOT_USED option should be selected. In this case, even if all the analyzed frequency bands are noisy, there could still be a large portion of the frequency spectrum that is not noisy.