The Svedala H6000 crusher has been modelled in the CAD soft-ware Catia. The manganese liner geometries were relatively wornduring the experiments and were replaced a week after the tests.This opened up the possibility to 3D scan the mantle and concavegeometries in a time frame close to the actual tests. A Faro Focus3D S 20 scanner was used and the scan point clouds were analysedand registered using the software SCENE version 4.8. In Fig. 4 theconcave liner is seen as an unfolded view. The 3D scanned mantleis shown in Fig. 5.When performing a 3D scan the resulting output is a pointcloud. It is not possible to use a point cloud directly in a DEM sim-ulation as representation of geometry. In order to utilize the scandata a mesh needs to be created based on the point cloud. In thiswork the liner profiles where generated by a circumferential aver-aging of the scan data and fitting of a spline function to the averagepoints. This results in rotational symmetrical liner geometrieswhich is needed when modelling a section of the crusher such asin this case. The final CAD model including feed geometry arrange-ments can be seen in Fig. 6. The variation in CSS for the two simu-lated cases is achieved by moving the main shaft assemblyvertically until a satisfactory setting is attained.