Structural modelFigure 2 shows the results from PLS-SEM that estimatedthe proposed research model (Ringle et al.,2015). Every endogenous variable exhibited amplevariance explained as the R-square (R2) for perceivedtrust (56.6%), perceived risk (28.5%), andcrowdfunding participation (50.1%). Both pathcoefficients and t-statistics were assessed fortesting the hypotheses by applying a PLS bootstrappingmethod of 1000 re-samplings becausethe data did not appear to have multivariate normality in this study (Hair et al., 2012; Stevens,2009). Bootstrapping contains great numbers ofre-samplings to evaluate sampling distribution ofstatistics relying on random sampling as a nonparametrictechnique (Chin et al., 2003). Resultsshow that the relationships between intrinsicmotivation and perceived trust (γ = 0.431, t-value= 8.960, p < 0.001) as well as between extrinsicmotivation and perceived trust (γ = 0.349, t-value= 7.042, p < 0.001) were significant. Also, deterrentsnegatively influenced perceived trust (γ =−0.107, t-value = 3.338, p < 0.001) and had a positiveimpact on perceived risk (γ = 0.542, t-value =14.266, p < 0.001). Moreover, crowdfunding participationwas influenced by perceived trust (β =0.707, t-value = 22.836, p