Do you think we should travel by bus or by train?It'sa difficultchoice.Thetrain is a little faster,but much moreexpensive.Wecould face delays if we travel by bus,thanks to trafficjams.Busesare more cramped and youcan'twalkaround.That'strue,but I feel that I see more when I travel bybus.Really?Ithink you see more travelling bytrain.So,which form of transport do you prefer to use?I prefer going by train,even though it costsmore.OKthen.We'llgobytrain.I'msurewe'llhavea goodjourney.Shallwe go to the station and buy the tickets?The trainsaren'tusuallyfull.Wecan get them on the day wetravel.Weshould buy return tickets because they are much cheaper than getting twosingles.Weshould take a packed lunch on thejourney.Thefood they sell on the trains is always expensive.