➢ Gear misalignment in the system are very high. Improving casing stiffness, shaft support and shaft stiffness will help reduce gear misalignments. Reducing gear misalignments will allow more robust or simple microgeometry to be applied. When the misalignments are so large, its difficult to avoid tip or edge loading of a gear without applying large amounts of crowning, which will have a detrimental effect on the NVH performance. ➢ Gear macrogeometry optimisation recommended to attempt to increase the transverse contact ratios to approximately 2 in gears 2 to 6. ➢ In the Final Drive gearset, a macrogeometry optimisation recommended to increase transverse contact ratio. However, a contact ratio of 2 may not be possible (increase of approximately 0.4 required).➢ Gear microgeometry optimisation required for gears 1 through to 6. The microgeometry optimisation should aim to centralise contact pattern/remove any tip or edge loading under high load whilst reducing transmission error.➢ Final Drive gearset will spend very little time in the load cases which have edge loading on the driving flank. Optimising for this is likely to have a detrimental effect on contact patterns and transmission error on load cases where the vehicle spends the majority of its time. Coast flank lead microgeometry optimisation recommended to centralise contact pattern.