By the same token any number of seeming bumblers, malcontents, and troublemakers take on a new status. The Dursleys no longer appear as grotesquely selfish bumpkins. Rather, they are individuals unwilling to be cowed, at least initially, by a far more powerful force who seeks to dictate their behavior. Hagrid, despite his limited intelligence, shows a measure of distinction in his openness to bending rules and operating outside the system. And Ron and Hermione regain some of the prestige that they lost in readings focusing on other traits, for they too are determined to act according to their wills despite prohibitions laid down by the school.
By the same token any number of seeming bumblers, malcontents, and troublemakers take on a new status. The Dursleys no longer appear as grotesquely selfish bumpkins. Rather, they are individuals unwilling to be cowed, at least initially, by a far more powerful force who seeks to dictate their behavior. Hagrid, despite his limited intelligence, shows a measure of distinction in his openness to bending rules and operating outside the system. And Ron and Hermione regain some of the prestige that they lost in readings focusing on other traits, for they too are determined to act according to their wills despite prohibitions laid down by the school.