Energy Fuels Strengthens Balance Sheet by Eliminating Debt& Growing Uranium InventoriesUS uranium producer Energy Fuels Inc.has reported the recent eliminationof a portion of the company's debt,confirmation of 2020 uraniumproduction guidance, and updates onthe value of the company's significanturanium and vanadium inventories.On July 14, the company completedthe partial cash redemption of itsfloating rate convertible unsecuredsubordinated debentures. On thatdate, Energy Fuels distributed C$10.43 million (US$7.79 million) in cashto holders of the debentures, whichrepresents the redemption of one-halfof the total debentures outstanding;as a result, only $10.43 million in totalprincipal amount of the debenturesremain outstanding, which are due onDecember 31, 2020.