The emphasis on transitional experience must take into accountthe eccentricities with which experiences often occur. Often,events do not follow one another in any simple cause and effect way.They do not have recognizable relevance to one another. Further,people do not always agree on the correctness of any particular sequence. The mind is an unruly instrument, hospitable to juxtapose-tions of events, often manifestly chaotic. As the chaotic unfolds, the originally obscure directions which these events are taking may wel be recognized. That is the faith which many people practice——that ere is an underlying intelligence which they bring to all events that will ultimately bend these events toward a recognizable whole. It is extravagant to say that all will actually be revealed in time, however,It is useful to give the organizational reflexes of the mind the necessary time to make sense and use out of what originally may seem senseless and useless. If we are flexible in connecting se-quences, much that is given time to unfold will develop fruitful direction. There are three manifestations of this flexibility: skippin steps, sidetracking and tightening or loosening of sequentiality.
The emphasis on transitional experience must take into accountthe eccentricities with which experiences often occur. Often,events do not follow one another in any simple cause and effect way.They do not have recognizable relevance to one another. Further,people do not always agree on the correctness of any particular sequence. The mind is an unruly instrument, hospitable to juxtapose-tions of events, often manifestly chaotic. As the chaotic unfolds, the originally obscure directions which these events are taking may wel be recognized. That is the faith which many people practice——that ere is an underlying intelligence which they bring to all events that will ultimately bend these events toward a recognizable whole. It is extravagant to say that all will actually be revealed in time, however,It is useful to give the organizational reflexes of the mind the necessary time to make sense and use out of what originally may seem senseless and useless. If we are flexible in connecting se-quences, much that is given time to unfold will develop fruitful direction. There are three manifestations of this flexibility: skippin steps, sidetracking and tightening or loosening of sequentiality.