Figure 7. Clinical, microscopic, and immunhohistochemical analyses of Case 5. A: A laceylivedoid rash on the lower extremities was noted. B: A skin biopsy revealed a few deep-seatedvenules at the dermal-subcuticular interface containing small fibrin thrombi. (Hematoxylin andeosin, 400x.) C: There are significant vascular deposits of C5b-9 within the dermis.(Diaminobenzidene, 400x.) D: Vascular deposits of C4d were also observed within the dermalmicrovasculature. (Diaminobenzidene, 400x.) E: A biopsy of normal-appearing deltoid skinshows microvascular deposits of C5b-9. (Diaminobenzidene, 400x.)
Figure 7. Clinical, microscopic, and immunhohistochemical analyses of Case 5. A: A lacey<br>livedoid rash on the lower extremities was noted. B: A skin biopsy revealed a few deep-seated<br>venules at the dermal-subcuticular interface containing small fibrin thrombi. (Hematoxylin and<br>eosin, 400x.) C: There are significant vascular deposits of C5b-9 within the dermis.<br>(Diaminobenzidene, 400x.) D: Vascular deposits of C4d were also observed within the dermal<br>microvasculature. (Diaminobenzidene, 400x.) E: A biopsy of normal-appearing deltoid skin<br>shows microvascular deposits of C5b-9. (Diaminobenzidene, 400x.)