Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is an importantengineering tool used to assist in approximating and verifyinghow a component will react under various complex loadingconditions. There are many conditions where the stress appliedcould extend beyond the yield point of the material but FEAdoes not necessarily provide visual indication that the part hasyielded. Elastic material property has a linear stress-strainrelationship regardless of the load applied while the elasticplastic has a linear relationship up to yield point and thenbecomes nonlinear beyond yield point.In this study tensile tests and finite element analysis werecarried out on forging die material. The unidirectionalmonotonic tensile tests were carried out on MTS machine. TheHypermesh and ANSYS FEA tools are used for elastic andelastic-plastic FEA. The mechanical behavior and stresses atcritical locations under realistic forging process loadingcondition is investigated based on elastic and elastic-plasticFEA. Specifically, the elastic-plastic response under forgingloading conditions beyond the elastic limit is studied. Thestress - strain of die material was determined and used as inputof a nonlinear finite element study aimed at investigating thestress evolution in the forging die. The forging die elastic FEAwas carried out based on basic material properties, whileelastic-plastic FEA was carried out based on materialnonlinearity Von misses isotropic hardening plasticity criteria.The study concludes that elastic- plastic FEA gives moreaccurate die stress value and critical locations.