Further to your previous email about the customer’s request to use Excel as the middle-man between their ERP and FastTRACK.We have mentioned previously for other potential projects that did not eventuate, that we could explore the possibility of creating Web Service calls for some programs, so they can communicate back and forth with another system.I would be happy to explore the possibility of doing this for FastTRACK. As FastTRACK already has a database we have a base of data to work with.The Web Service calls could be written so that we could have a call to enable INPUT of data into the TRACK database, and also a call to EXPORT (or retrieve) data from the TRACK database.This would then allow the other systems/ERP to pass data to these calls and get data from them, all without having to use Excel, nor learn anything about the TRACK database or its format.To explore this concept/idea, what I would really like is a more detailed idea of what the customer wants to put into and get out of the TRACK database.• What fields?• New plates only?• Updating of Plate information?....etcIf you could gather some of this information it would help guide me through exploring this possibility.Remember what we wish to do is be able to write a set of calls that can be used by any customer.