It was decided that during the spring and summer, as many as possible of the towns and cities between Toronto and Montreal should be visited. It was realized that missionary meetings out of the regular Order, especially if a collection was taken, might be difficult to arrange. The Missionary Society was not sufficiently enthused to pay expenses. When however Dr. Kilborn made up his mind a thing ought to be done, he had a bit of John Bull's tenacity. Carefully prepared letters were sent to the pastors. "Can you let us have a lighted church for such an evening ; no coliections ; we want to tel) your people whv we are going to Ctiina : piease aiivertise.ⁿ A large number of the pastors responded, and a *kno collection" missionarv meeting drew tairlv sood audiences tor the time ot the vear. The friendshius tormeci< the enthusiasm aroused, the interest awakened in [he two boyish missionaries well repaid ail the time and cost.